When you go cold turkey, you have a chance of unleashing a cascade of unintended consquences, like tossing a grenade in a hormonal playground.

Taking finasetride is like walking a tightrope. You know that this medicine may not be your best friend… When you go cold turkey, you have a chance of unleashing a cascade of unintended consquences, like tossing a grenade in a hormonal playground. There is a sudden surge of hormones, a Pandora’s box that is opened, and symptoms come back with a vengance. When you stop finasteride, a person may feel that, within seven to 14 days, the side effects have gone away. He is much more healthy, his libido has come back. But the side effects returning to normal in this short time is just a mirage.

Finasteride: Going Cold Turkey: Hair Transplant of India, October 5, 2023