We stopped prescribing finasteride because the risk is just too high.

Even if you take just a little finasteride, it can actually drop your DHT so low that men become impotent. That’s a very common thing. I have patients who come in to see me for sexual problems. Usually it’s ED. Then they have no ejaculate. They also have problems with sex drive. So that’s all gone in many men, just because of finasteride. And that’s huge. You have to choose between hair and sex drive and your personality and your marriage or your partnership… I’ve tried giving testosterone to patients who are on finasteride at the same time. And I have to use huge amounts of testosterone to overcome this drug. And it’s not worth it…. We stopped prescribing finasteride because the risk is just too high.

BioBalance Healthcast: The Ugly Truth About Finasteride, June 7, 2021