[C]onditions of self-harm (suicide), slow cognition, psychological pathologies, emotional anhedonia, insomnia and overall psychological symptoms were prevalent with finasteride use.

PFS has recently been recognized as a medical disorder comprising a cluster of sexual, physical, and psychological/neurologic symptoms associated with 5-alpha reductase inhibitor (5ARI) use… Finasteride was associated with many sexual side effects: decreased libido, ejaculatory disorder, erectile dysfunction, testicular atrophy, orgasmic disorders, hypogonadism.. Other common complaints were dermatologic in nature (dry skin or thinning of skin) as well as changes in metabolism (weight gain, elevated glucose, and elevated lipids). Psychological/neurologic conditions of self-harm (suicide), slow cognition, psychological pathologies, emotional anhedonia, insomnia and overall psychological symptoms were prevalent with finasteride use.

Post-Finasteride Syndrome: Real or Imagined? American Urological Association, May 2015