Finasteride is associated with a higher odds of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA): results from the US FDA Adverse Events Reporting System.

Finasteride, which crosses the blood-brain barrier, therefore lowers overall androgen activity. A decrease in androgen levels has been associated with [obstructive sleep apnea] and lower sleep efficiency in some studies. The odds of OSA with finasteride for any indication versus OSA with all other medication in FAERS used for any indication revealed…1,490 all other AE with finasteride versus 11,390 all other AE with all other medications in FAERS. Conclusion: Finasteride was associated with a significantly higher odds of OSA, a finding that has not been previously reported.

Gupta MA, Vujcic B, Sheridan AD, Gupta AK. Finasteride is Associated with a Higher Odds of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA): Results from the US FDA Adverse Events Reporting System (FAERS) [Sleep]